2) Uncluttering a photograph
3) Framing your images in camera
4) Composition (rule of thirds) when shooting
5) ISO
6) White Balance
7) Changing up your angles
8) Aperture Priority Mode
9) Avoiding and forcing the flash
10) Your cameras highlight warning & what it means
11) Learning your histogram
12) Exposure compensation
13) What is burst/continuous mode?
14) Shutter Priority mode
15) Getting those soft creamy/blurry backgrounds like the pros
"Angie Seaman really knows her photography! She is a passionate teacher who is able to connect with all of her students. The forum is well organized and easy to use. I highly recommend taking this class. It is truly a gift that I have given myself. I encourage you to give yourself the same gift and sign-up for Angie's photography class! You are an amazing teacher and I love how you take complicated topics and turn it into manageable chunks for beginners to understand. I enjoy reading your writing and your personal photography is beautiful. I love how this class was organized as well. You can tell that you put a lot of time and effort into this class. Thank you very much! I would recommend this class to anyone and everyone. Plus, I can't wait to take other classes that you offer. I will continue to be a loyal reader of your blog and I am always available to give feedback to potential clients or customers." ~Bernie in Maryland
"I don't know if I can sum up how wonderful this class was in only a few sentences...I'll try. This photography class was hands down amazing! I was a little hesitant to sign-up for an online class thinking, how much can I really learn through the Internet?, but I totally proved myself wrong with how much I have walked away with. Before I was terrified of every button on my DSLR and now with Angie's stellar lessons and consistent feedback I feel more confident in capturing our life's important moments. Thanks again Angie...please keep me on your e-mail list if you should do a next level up class (okay you have to do another...no pressure)." ~Meg in Texas
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