Blog Archive

Friday, November 13, 2009


This was a shoot I had with sweet, sweet, Bella. She is a doll and such fun to work with. To say that she is a natural in front of the camera would be an understatement.

Everytime I say her name, I am reminded of my love for the "Twilight" book series and how the New Moon movie comes out in just one more week. Be still my beating heart. Ha ha!

This sweet lil' Bella could totally rock a big screen given how at ease she is in front of a camera. Not only that but she defines the word "style" and defines it well.

Who says you can't wear a pretty pink dress and still play "leap frog" in the grass? Oh to be a kid again...

Thank you for the fun during your session that day Bella. You are such a sweetheart!

Have a great weekend everyone! Angie


Amy Jo Lawrance said...

You have an amazing way of capturing children, very good.

ChYmEc!nDy** said...

Hi! I just discovered your blog. And I like it, so I follow! I hope you will check mine too...