When we were home in Indiana last week, we spent some time at my Mother-in-laws home. (otherwise known as Grandma "D's house" to all of the grand kids) Whenever we are there, my daughter, Kenidi, goes straight to her Grandma's beautiful white piano. She loves to bang on it and it makes me a nervous wreck. I fear she will knock it out of tune or something when she does it. Grandma D assures us that she is OK but it still makes me cringe to hear her press so hard on the keys. The other day though, she was being so gentle on the piano so I grabbed my camera and snapped these shots of just her little hands and fingers as she was playing on it.
I love the way this series of shots turned out. Her cute little fingers on the keys make my heart melt. Kenidi is such a music lover and is infatuated with singing and dancing. This isn't typical for a special needs child. Many in her situation are not fond of music or loud noise. While home in Indy, my Dad and Cathy got her hooked on the movie "The sound of music" one night while they babysat her. Apparently she wouldn't take her eyes off the screen while it was on. They said she would doze off during commercials - almost falling asleep - and then as soon as she would hear the "sound of music" come back on, she would perk right back up and begin watching again. Funny stuff. :)
Grandma "D" is so gracious to let her granddaughter bang play on her stunning white piano. Kenidi clearly feels as though she is too hot for words when she makes noise on it. I hope that she can one day exercise her love for music/dance somehow. The girl has more rhythm in her one pinkie toe than I do in my whole body. She is quite impressive to say the least. I don't just say that because I'm her mother either. Wink wink! ;)
I hope all of you are gearing up for a great weekend. I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of one of my "blog" friends here in Naples this weekend. She and her family are moving here to Naples from Colorado. I met her several years ago while we were both heavy into blogging. She has since quit blogging but we've kept in contact via facebook and my blog. Love her! She actually used to reside in Orlando but moved from there to Colorado. She is now missing the beach and the Florida sunshine which is just one reason why she is so eager to get back down here. They should be arriving sometime on Sunday. I'm eager to finally get to meet her in person. I know we are going to have a ball together. She has a son the exact same age as Brennen (my son) and a daughter who is just a year younger than Kenidi (my daughter). Rumor has it that her husband has Italian running thru his veins and is the "cook" in the family. Oh you know I'll be inviting myself over for dinner every chance I can get. LOL! Italian food is like chocolate to me. With Italian running thru my veins as well, I'd take pasta over a steak any day. HA! Rachel wrote this in an email to me recently..."Who would have thought over 3 years ago when I found your blog living in Orlando and you in Indiana (you lived in the house you are trying to sell now) that we would be living so close in Naples next to the beach where we both belong...GOD is fantastic!" I agree girl. God is fantastic. Can't wait for your arrival this weekend. We are going to make great beach bums together. :)
Much love, Angie
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