Blog Archive

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Just thought I'd share some random shots I took at the beach the other day. A friend of mine told me about a "secret beach" area that is desolate and quiet. I followed her exact instructions on how to get there. It's just minutes from our home. Thankfully, I found it right off the bat. First try. And needless to say, it was stunning...

It was just me, the shells, and the birds. What a gorgeous location...

I loved this succession of shots...

And this guy below - spread eagle - just totally cracked me up. He looked as though he was about to take flight at any moment. However, he stayed completely still like that. Wings spread and never moving. Hysterical I say...hysterical...

When all was said and done, I just sat down, looked around, and saw nothing but this...

Just another one of God's amazing gifts to those of us here on earth. We are so blessed!

In him, Angie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems like they let you get pretty close! Or maybe just a zoom lens? ha
Either way they look great!