Blog Archive

Monday, November 24, 2008


"Out of defeat can come the best in human nature. As Christians face the storms of adversity, they may rise with more beauty. They are like trees that grow on ridges -- battered by winds, yet trees in which we find the best wood."
Billy Graham


tasha said...

saw the links for your photography sites on the comment you left for carin and had to take a peek. i 1st met carin 23 years ago when we were kids. her mother, brother, and sister moved in with my family and stayed with us many years. we were very close. we had lost contact over the past 13 years and i just found her again on blogpsot.

i love your photos! i am a huge fan of photography. i am an amateur at it and only have a canon powershot A95, but i love taking pictures of my two adorable boys and playing around with editing techniques.

by the way, your children are adorable!

Rachel said...

Love that. Love Billy Grahm. Awesome photo.